The Art Of Promotion
The Art Of Promotion
If you are not promoting your programs every day/week/month – you’re not in business!
Wy do we need to promote? If you don’t lead – they won’t follow!
- Disarm
- Give minimal info and create interest
- eliminate a ‘defensive’ reaction
- create common ground
- Establish Need
- What is the end goal or need for your program?
- Create a series of “me too’s”
- Do you want to lose weight?
- Do you want to have more energy?
- Do you want to improve your 5K time?
- Create Urgency
- This is done with TONE and NONVERBAL communication
- Without creating urgency they will take no action
- i.e. put a “cap” on it
- Build Curiosity
- Don’t give too much info – withhold dates, times, subject matter
- Tell Stories and Promote Benefits
- Share testimonies and results of others
- make sure testimony is relevant to group and goal
- Sell THEIR needs not YOUR needs
- Scarcity
- You’ll be left out
- Limited spots – this always sells out, etc
- Cast Vision
- Use your mission statement
- who are you looking for?
- We are looking for our most dedicated clients – those who really want to take it to the next level
- Call To Action
- What do they do?
- Assume The Close
- We just give them info but there is no promotion
- We forget the call to action
- We don’t SHUT UP!
50 Mantras To Help You Get Through The Tough Times
Mantras are powerful. They have the ability to make you make a shift in your mind that will allow you to do a lot of things you didn’t think you could do. I am (very) far from a yogi-meditating person…while I should include more mindfulness practice in my week as well as some bendy-flexy stuff…I don’t…but, I do know the power behind mantras and I full believe in them.
I do know that sometimes when that barbell felt really heavy and I added weight to attempt another lift I would repeat over and over “GET DANGEROUS” and it would make that lift feel so easy! There are times when I would be so nervous about a competition or a speaking event and I would say “Flipping For The Team” (which is code for Phil 4:13) and it would calm my soul. When I was battling cancer and treatment was starting to wear on me, “I am a warrior” on repeat helped me to put one foot in front of the other and continue to fight. When I try to do everything at once, improving this, changing that..”keep it simple” prevented a lot of anxiety attacks.
What do you do when things get hard and you start to get defeated mentally? What do you to make a 180 degree turn around and change your mindset? Have you considered a mantra? I cannot suggest it enough. I like short ones that can be said on repeat for when needed, but longer ones are fine. Below is a list of 50 mantras for you to try for tough times. There are many more out there and I encourage you to make it as personal as possible…it only has to make sense to you!
- Get Dangerous
- Keep It Simple
- You Are A Warrior
- Follow Your Arrow
- I can do all things
- Yes I can
- Inhale. Exale
- Trust The Process
- Focus
- Think It. Want It. Get It
- Worry Less. Live More
- Be That Girl
- Yes
- Decide
- Work The Plan
- I can and I will
- I am enough
- One Day AT A Time
- Think Positive
- Go
- Simply Begin
- Let’s Do This
- I am
- Now or Never
- But what if
- Be Fearless
- I can do anything
- It Goes On
- Wake the F*ck Up!
- Burn The Ships
- All The Things
- Shock Everyone
- One More Step
- Be more. Do more.
- Inhale good sh*t, exhale bullsh*t
- It’s never too late
- I can do all things.
- It’s my time.
- Now Or Never
- Not Today Satan.
- Quitting isn’t an option.
- Think happy
- Flow Not Force.
- You are strong than you think.
- I will not quit
- Do no harm (take no shit)
- Possibilities are endless.
- Hard work pays off
- Be Brave
- Stay Present.
50 Workouts With A Box
50 Workouts With A Box
(This post contains an affiliate link to a product that I use and love)