Glute Exercise Program

Glute Exercise Program


Booty Booty Booty Booty

Rockin’ Every where

High and Tight isn’t only a description for a military hair cut! It is a compliment to describe anyone’s rear end who has put in some work. What do the memes say…no one wrote a song about a flat butt…therefore I put together a little program for you to do during the week (Monday – Friday) and you can pick your favorite one to do on Saturday should you chose. If you click on the image of the program it will open up to a printable PDF for you to follow. There are also videos below that of the different combo and movements…and if the Nike add doesn’t make you want to do glute exercises I don’t know what to tell you! Enjoy!
The Art Of Promotion

The Art Of Promotion

The Art Of Promotion

If you are not promoting your programs every day/week/month – you’re not in business!

Wy do we need to promote? If you don’t lead – they won’t follow!

  1. Disarm
    • Give minimal info and create interest
    • eliminate a ‘defensive’ reaction
    • create common ground
  2. Establish Need
    • What is the end goal or need for your program?
    • Create a series of “me too’s”
      • Do you want to lose weight?
      • Do you want to have more energy?
      • Do you want to improve your 5K time?
  3. Create Urgency
    • This is done with TONE and NONVERBAL communication
    • Without creating urgency they will take no action
    • i.e. put a “cap” on it
  4. Build Curiosity
    • Don’t give too much info – withhold dates, times, subject matter
  5. Tell Stories and Promote Benefits
    • Share testimonies and results of others
    • make sure testimony is relevant to group and goal
    • Sell THEIR needs not YOUR needs
  6. Scarcity
    • You’ll be left out
    • Limited spots – this always sells out, etc
  7. Cast Vision
    • Use your mission statement
    • who are you looking for?
    • We are looking for our most dedicated clients – those who really want to take it to the next level
  8. Call To Action
    • What do they do?
  9. Assume The Close
  10. SHUT UP
Biggest Mistakes: 
  1. We just give them info but there is no promotion
  2. We forget the call to action
  3. We don’t SHUT UP!


50 Mantras To Help You Get Through The Tough Times

Mantras are powerful. They have the ability to make you make a shift in your mind that will allow you to do a lot of things you didn’t think you could do. I am (very) far from a yogi-meditating person…while I should include more mindfulness practice in my week as well as some bendy-flexy stuff…I don’t…but, I do know the power behind mantras and I full believe in them.

I do know that sometimes when that barbell felt really heavy and I added weight to attempt another lift I would repeat over and over “GET DANGEROUS” and it would make that lift feel so easy! There are times when I would be so nervous about a competition or a speaking event and I would say “Flipping For The Team” (which is code for Phil 4:13) and it would calm my soul. When I was battling cancer and treatment was starting to wear on me, “I am a warrior” on repeat helped me to put one foot in front of the other and continue to fight. When I try to do everything at once, improving this, changing that..”keep it simple” prevented a lot of anxiety attacks.

What do you do when things get hard and you start to get defeated mentally? What do you to make a 180 degree turn around and change your mindset? Have you considered a mantra? I cannot suggest it enough. I like short ones that can be said on repeat for when needed, but longer ones are fine. Below is a list of 50 mantras for you to try for tough times. There are many more out there and I encourage you to make it as personal as possible…it only has to make sense to you!

  1. Get Dangerous
  2. Keep It Simple
  3. You Are A Warrior
  4. Follow Your Arrow
  5. I can do all things
  6. Yes I can
  7. Inhale. Exale
  8. Trust The Process
  9. Focus
  10. Think It. Want It. Get It
  11. Worry Less. Live More
  12. Be That Girl
  13. Yes
  14. Decide
  15. Work The Plan
  16. I can and I will
  17. I am enough
  18. One Day AT A Time
  19. Think Positive
  20. Go
  21. Simply Begin
  22. Let’s Do This
  23. I am
  24. Now or Never
  25. But what if
  26. Be Fearless
  27. I can do anything
  28. It Goes On
  29. Wake the F*ck Up!
  30. Burn The Ships
  31. All The Things
  32. Shock Everyone
  33. One More Step
  34. Be more. Do more.
  35. Inhale good sh*t, exhale bullsh*t
  36. It’s never too late
  37. I can do all things.
  38. It’s my time.
  39. Now Or Never
  40. Not Today Satan.
  41. Quitting isn’t an option.
  42. Think happy
  43. Flow Not Force.
  44. You are strong than you think.
  45. I will not quit
  46. Do no harm (take no shit)
  47. Possibilities are endless.
  48. Hard work pays off
  49. Be Brave
  50. Stay Present.


50 Workouts With A Box

50 Workouts With A Box

50 Workouts With A Box

(This post contains an affiliate link to a product that I use and love)

I’m that crazy one that loves workouts with a box! Maybe its because I haven’t had a serious injury from one….but there have been many close calls! COACHES! Box doesn’t have to be an actual “box” this can be as simple as a step for many people…even a plate. Just because you don’t have an actual “box” doesn’t mean you can’t use these workouts in your coaching. The bottom stair of a staircase works wonders, trust me. If you are driving client to client and they don’t have stairs (or a box), an irrigation box from a hardware store can make a huge difference. Plus you can flip it over in your car and store other pieces of equipment in it so they don’t roll around in your car. ATHLETES: The days of rebound box jumps are over….far too many torn achilles for that. I can promise you that you can get a good amount of work from jump up and step down. Trust me, I have tested all the efficient ways to make this happen! Where do I get a box? I personally ordered a box from Rogue, but you can get them from Fringe Sport. You can see there are many different kinds. I have the hard one and I ordered it put together (ain’t got time for that). The soft one is also catching my eye…you never know when your hammies are going to give out…yikes! Great piece of equipment for a home gym! ***Click on the image to the right to download the PDF***
50 Kettlebell Workouts

50 Kettlebell Workouts

50 Kettlebell Workouts

TRAINERS – Kettlebells are a fantastic tool to use in training. So. MANY. OPTIONS! I’m not even kidding. However, toting around a lot of them for a bazillion bootcampers might wear on your car/vehicle after awhile. This piece of equipment would be a BYOB (Bring Your Own Bell) sorta workout. This is awesome because when people start to out grown their own KB then can sell it in the class, give it to a new comer or bring two (a lot of my athletes bring their old one incase someone needed it). Its also a fun thing to celebrate when someone increases their KB weight. You could even make up a fun workout to do for when someone ups their KB size…Max swings in 3mins etc….whatever it takes to build community! ATHLETES – KBs are a MUST for home gyms. This is only 50 of a gazillion workouts you can do with them. So versatile! They will test your strength, cardio/stamina, grip, cool for KBs? Try doing max snatches in 3 mins per arm and let me know if you are too cool for a KB then! LOL This PDF is a great place to start if you are new to KBs. All the movements are in my movement library if you get confused. I also use them in my Bootcamp programming which is a GREAT PDF if you chose to coach groups. Click on the image to the right then you will be able to download the 50 KB WODs PDF for you to use!