I’m Karen Pierce
Health & Fitness Coach
Helping You Create The Life You Desire
Signature Series
A program for clients looking to improve their lifestyle through nutrition, exercise and accountability.
Coaches Connection
Online resources for those looking to grow a business in the health and fitness industry.
Personal Training
Helping you achieve success with an individualized program approach to exercise through one on one personal training sessions.
Project X
An intense three week “Jump Start” to help you get back on track or ready for a specific event.
Is your nutrition plan sustainable? Or does it have a start and end date?
5 Day Nutritional Reset
[FREE] Download
What Is Living Amped?
What started out as a simple mantra (meaning to “live big”) officially became a business in 2011 with the focus of helping others “create the life they desire” through leading a healthy lifestyle. Over the years Living Amped, LLC has grown into so much more. Living Amped has two silos, Living Amped Signature Series and Coaches Connection.
Mission Statement
Living Amped is dedicated to helping educate, encourage and motivate others to create the life they desire by providing beneficial and essential coaching to those in need.
Core Values
Health. Integrity. Community.
What is Living Amped Signature Series?
Living Amped Signature Series is a program that helps clients along their fitness journey by providing personalized nutrition plans, exercise programs and above all holds you accountable to your goals and actions.
What is Coaches Connection?
Coaches Connection is a online portal that gives professionals in the health and wellness industry the tools and systems they need to build and operate a successful coaching business.
Whether you work with clients one on one, in small groups or bootcamp settings, these tools and systems are packed with power and value to help you maximize your potential as you continue to grow your business.
How can I become a Personal Trainer?
Make sure you go through a Nationally recognized company to get certified. Some of your top name ones are:
CSCS. The Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist — CSCS — offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (nsca-lift.org) is one of the most recognized personal trainer certifications in the fitness industry. It is also one of the most difficult certifications to earn and requires a 4-year college degree. The CSCS is commonly earned by strength coaches or personal trainers working with athletes.
ACE. The American Council on Exercise (acefitness.org) offers various health and fitness certifications and their general personal trainer certification is considered one of the best. ACE offers a 2-day workshop to help you study and prepare for the certification examination. You must recertify every two years to remain ACE personal trainer certified.
NASM. Since 1987, the National Academy of Sports Medicine (nasm.org) has been a leader in the sports and fitness industry. To become an NASM certified personal trainer, you must be at least 18-years old, CPR certified and successfully pass a two hour examination with 120 questions. You must recertify every two years and can add various specialty certifications based on your clientele.
ACSM. The American College of Sports Medicine (acsm.org) was created in 1954 and offers one of the top personal trainer certifications. The accredited certification program requires a high school diploma and CPR certification to take the 125 to 150 question examination. After earning the certification, you must recertify every three years.
NSCA-CPT. The National Strength and Conditioning Association (nsca-lift.org) started offering the Certified Personal Trainer — NSCA-CPT — certification in 1993 and is considered one of the most challenging examinations. The prerequisites for taking the NSCA-CPT test include at least 18-years old and CPR certified allowing college students to work as a certified personal trainer as they study health and fitness.
AFPA. The American Fitness Professionals and Associates (afpafitness.com) personal trainer certification uses current exercise science, sports medicine and nutrition research in the certification program. The AFPA doesn’t require any prerequisites for earning the certification which makes it one of the easiest accredited certifications to obtain. You can also add various specialty certifications from the AFPA to your personal trainer certification.
NFPT. Created in 1988, the National Federation of Professional Trainers (nfpt.com) personal training certification is accredited by NCCA and widely recognized as one of the best personal trainer certifications. You must have a high school diploma, be at least 18 years old and have at least two years of fitness experience before taking the NFPT certification examination. You must also recertify every year to maintain the certification.
NESTA. The National Endurance and Sports Trainers Association (nestacertified.com) personal training certification started in 1992 and grew rapidly to have certified trainers in more than 20 countries. You must be at least 16 years old, have good reading skills and have basic fitness experience to take the NESTA certification examination. You must recertify every four years to maintain the certification.
IFPA. Offering a total of more than 70 certifications, the International Fitness Professionals Association (ifpa-fitness.com) personal trainer certification gives you the knowledge, skills and abilities to be a successful personal trainer. You must be at least 18 years old, have a current CPR certification and a high school diploma to take the IFPA personal trainer certification. You can attend a workshop to study and prepare for the 100 question examination and you must recertify every two years.
Cooper Institute. Established by Kenneth Cooper, M.D., the Cooper Institute (cooperinstitute.org) is a nonprofit research and education organization for medicine and health. The Cooper Institute also offers the certified personal trainer examination that is recognized as one of the best certifications. You must be at least 18 years old with a current CPR certification to take the Cooper Institute exam.
The above was taken from THIS article.
About Me
Fitness gives you freedom.
A simple statement heard many years ago still resonates with me to this day and remains one of the driving force behind Living Amped. While I may have retired my competitive career, I have not stopped making fitness a priority in my life. Its also why I’m dedicated to helping others do the same.
“Our whole family (husband, daughter, me) trains with Karen. She is the absolute fitness enthusiast who sets a great example for her clients by advocating effective workouts with good nutrition and healthy eating. I’m not one of those people who actually enjoys exercise, but because Karen is there with her energy and expertise, I show up–and that’s half of the battle won.”
“Karen is awesome. Not only is she a ball of hilarious energy, she cares about each one of her “victims”, I mean clients. She works us hard and has faith we can push ourselves past our perceived weaknesses, all the while pursuing her own high level of fitness. She’s the bomb!”
“I have been lifting weights for over 30 years. After working with Karen for only a few months I have taken my workouts to a whole new level. Not only has my technique improved, but so has my stamina. The bootcamp workouts are a great mix with my weightlifting routine”
Online Fitness Resources
In this popular post, I answer the question of “what should I eat” no matter where you are on your wellness journey.
Goal Setting
Download this step by step goal setting tool that is used in my Signature Series.
A list of linkes to items and brands I recommend and trust. Not all are fitness related.
I Built This Website. Without Writing Code. You Can Too.
Building a website is not as complicated as you think…its actually way easier (slightly addicting)…you don’t even have to know code (I don’t). Like the idea of having a site but don’t know where to start? No worries, I’m going to walk you through every step (screen shots included) to help you build a website for you to share whats going on in your life (personal or to help grow a business) and in turn possibly impact another’s.