Vaccines, GMOs and UFOs with Chris Kresser (Kresser Institute), Robb Wolf (, Sarah Ballantyne (The Paleo Mom), Dr. Emily Deans, Alex Baia (Director of Media, Paleo Fx, Moderator)
- Research? Where?
- Find one that looks at entire field
- There is no right/wrong or black/white…its your choice
- Feel good about your choices
- Intro level of doubt – big science is broken. Be more willing to challenge beliefs. System is set up to reward status quo. Be more humble about what we know and don’t know.
- Science will give us a lot but…
- Vaccines, hygiene, antibiotics…learning form ancestors and applying
- vaccines doesn’t = autism
- Why are we not looking more into kids who experienced effects of vaccines? because that would be “career suicide”
- Funding for scientific studies has been slashed. The government needs to help out. Its castrating the ability to research. The only ones that is being funded are the ones that can be monetized.
- Is Peer Review Science Broken?
- Risk?
- Risk vs Reward
- medical rsk.
- Risk analysis is skwed.
- GMOs – General application (ie dwarf wheat)
- GMO encourage large crops which is famine waiting to happen
- GMO is used in med research & its awesome, bUT not used with health involved/ in mind, just economically in mind.
- Don’t get caught up in the right/wrong, If it makes you happy….risk vs reward.
- could be modified autoimmune.
- How To Help
- Nutritional Sciences Institute (NSI) for donations
- Crowd Funding (ie Dr. Terry Walls…career suicide) – isn’t viewed as prestige
- Things To Look Up:
- “why most science research paper is false” (paper)
- “How science goes wrong” (paper)
- Hygiene Hypothesis
- Precaution Principle
*Many got really scienctific on this panel, but Mark Sission was the ONLY one who said he didn’t vaccinated his kids and they are fine but he WOULD vaccinated his kinds now days. Not one other gave an answer to the question or had a strong opinion, all gave both sides.
Networking Event For Bloggers (12-12:45pm) & Networking Event for Entreprneurs, Vendors, and Sponsors with Amy Ma
- These 2 events kinda ran together and there was some overlap of people that we chatted for a bit.
- Charissa ( lead a great chat about building a brand and had some good points that were reminders.
- Amy Ma – talked about brands and how she started her product, Power Balls
- It was here that I met some cook people such as:
- Renae Frey of Peacock Ridege Farms…she even gave me her cookbook (that I made her autograph) and I look forward to cooking out of it for some Bear Necessities Video.
- Brian Kavanach’s girlfriend who is a cartoonish but came to support him and The Sophisticated Caveman
- John Arbuckle with Roam Sticks
- Jenn Malecha with My Travel Fit
- Cathy Arden with Carthy Arden Life Coaching
- The founder of No GRAINola …drawing a blank on her name, but her product was good 🙂
Quantifying Moderation: The Tools to Implement a moderate eating strategy successfully and quit obsessing over food with Jill Coleman (
- Goal: Sustainability & Ease
- Be a little less perfect to be a little more consistent
- Why Moderation?
- Does it work? Deprive then binge
- Strict plans keep us dependent and scared
- We don’t do a plan for “12 weeks”
- Complaints about Moderation
- Everything in Moderation
- means something different to everyone
- not easy to follow
- too permissive
- hard to track
- Everything in Moderation
- The “complaints” are the strengths
- Hones mindfulness
- Learn about yourself
- Get in touch with biofeedback signals (practice)
- Eating as a practice
- Mind fullness Food
- #Satisfaction Factor – What is it? Scale 1-10
- Hunger +Energy+Cravings (HEC) – courtesy of metabolic effect
- eating to 80% fullness
- tactful tools
- Preemptive cheats (ie wine on Monday)
- Exposure to things you are scared of
- DNC – Daily Nutritional Commitments (BAS…Big Ass Salad, Pro at every meal)
- Intermitting Sampling – aka snacking, mindfull snacking
- Food Sensitivities
- Food sensitivities hone mindfullness
- discernment practice
- #satisfaction factor
- Mindset shifts (ie I don’t do dairy, but I do X)
Cells On Fire: Inflammation Overload, The Cause and The Cure with Justin Marchiegiani (Doctor of Chiropractic, Just In Health Wellness Clinic), Jack Wolfson (, Richard Maurer (, Lane Sebring (MD, Sebring Clinic), Jimmy Moore (Livin-La Vida Low Carb, Moderator)
*This one got SUPER science and FAST even the moderator was telling the panel to hold the science
- What is Inflammation?
- Immune activation
- Body breaking down faster than it can repair
- not all illness & disease
- acute vs chronic
- the appropriate response to injury
- the emotional state of being aroused or worked up
- How do you measure?
- the rate of tissue break down
- CK enzyme in athletes
- – depression and blood work
- Cause: poor nutrition + environment
- Aches + Pains = inflammation = cardiac Risk
- Food sensitivity
- Lifestyle + Environment
- Infection
- food sensitivity = inflammation
- pollution
- chemical
- Inflammation is a “modern day thing” – do detective work and figure out where
- To heal gut Evaluate & Change: Environment –> Diet –> Gut Health
- Start natural with:
- Omega 3 – fish oil
- Probiotic
- Yeast (check)
- They are ALL against antibiotics
Some Products I tried:
Paleo Powder – The only seasoning I use…not kidding…it goes great on EVERYTHING. Good news they just got into HEB so you get it there, CM or you can
MuffinElse – they actually are not bad, but I don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea of “muffins”
YumButter – sold at target and easy to transfer. I liked the cashew one the best. BUT I have to control my almond butter because I will eat the whole thing easily. This thing would be gone in a day…in its cute little pouch.
Rootz – this actually was pretty good and the concept was awesome. I like pre-workout. However I try to keep my “diet” pretty natural AND encourage everyone else too, but like this guy my supplements are well supplements and getting back to that real food idea was always haunting.
Eatology – not bad and out of Bryan. You can get Zone meals sent to you too!