3 Years Post IVF

3 Years Post IVF

    Three years ago today I went into an procedure where they removed 10 eggs and froze 7. Three years was a long time ago so let me catch you up, incase you missed it. On Feb. 5th, 2014 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer. My treatment plan included a...

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MY Medical Billing System

MY Medical Billing System

Long overdue BUT one of the hardest things about cancer is the medical billing system and if you are not careful and don't have a system in place you could end up in a bad way. Below is a video of my system..its not the only system out there, but it is the one I use...

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Post #5: Now What?

Post #5: Now What?

Time to REBUILD. There is no doubt I lost a lot during treatment, a lot. I trained a few times a week at the beginning of treatment, however the effects (fatigue and a lot of it) of my treatment modalities are cumulative. This means things caught up with me. By the...

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Everyday Warrior

Everyday Warrior

Shortly after I started my brachytherapy treatments my mother discovered this fundraiser called Everyday Warrior. This non profit, financial supports crossfitters who have been diagnosed with cancer or are currently undergoing treatment for cancer. It is a 4 week...

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Post #4: BrachyTherapy

Post #4: BrachyTherapy

Post #4: BrachyTherapy Brachy What? Thats exactly what I said. BrachyTherapy is radiation from the inside focusing on a specific area (in my case, my tumor). This form of treatment can be used to treat a variety of cancers. When I met with the radiologist in Houston...

Post #4: Chemotherapy

Post #4: Chemotherapy

Aug.1, 2014: Chemo Class Chemo class wasn't that bad...weird, but necessary. This is a class everyone has to take before you go start chemo, just kinda gives you a heads up about what is going to happen. It opened with a nurse whom I have seen during my appointments...

Post #3: Radiation

Post #3: Radiation

Radiation was my main modality of treatment. My chemo drug, cisplatin, was used to support the radiation. Before they could start radiation, I had to get a “map” done so they would know where to radiate. This meant I went to a certain hospital with a cancer center in...

Karen Pierce

Karen Pierce

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