“But I only have dumbbells”

This is a common thing I hear…”I only have these old dumbbells” or “I can’t get a good workout with just dumbbells”. Dumbbells are such a great, easy to find, relative inexpensive piece of equipment to have as your only home gym equipment or the start of a home gym. You can find them new or used…my home gym has both.


There are many kinds of dumbbells out there. I highly suggest you get one with the rubber caps and metal handles. I also recommend the ones with the helix ends because they won’t roll away. My dumbbells come from all over, BUT most of the equipment in my garage comes from Perform Better. They are not the only place, but they are worth considering.


I’m a lover of all things fitness and don’t want to see your dumbbells collect dust and there is a slight chance I want to encourage you to build you a personal home gym…soooo tadaaaaa….a workout for you to use at home or when traveling. These should take you 30 minutes-ish. If you click on the image you can print out the workout, there are even movement videos to each of these movements (and then some).



For my OCD fans that like structure, there are a few different ways to approach this.

  • One section a day. For example, all the arms + 1 ab on Monday then all the shoulders + 1 ab on Tuesday, etc.
  • One set (i.e. under arms the DB bicep Curls & DB Tricep Kickbacks = set) from each section/body part.
  • One movement (DB Bicep Curls, DB “empty can”, DB Bench/Floor Press, etc) from each section per day.

If you see two movements close together they are meant to be done as a “super-set” meaning you do one set of one movement then one set of the other. For example, if I was looking at the “arms” section. I would do 15 reps of DB bicep curls, then 15 reps of DB tricep kickbacks.

If you have collected a few other pieces of random gym equipment and want to combine them in a beneficial fashion, check out our “Home Gym Programming” and we can design something specifically for you based on YOUR goals and YOUR abilities.

I’m also okay if you want to tag me in your photos of your home gym #selfies especially if you are doing this workout! Enjoy!