Dani Johnson: The 9 Laws 

In her two day seminar, Dani Johnson covers nine different “laws”. Each one might be simple but has a large impact in the way we handle (and grow) our business. What I found to be awesome is there wasn’t a “law” on social media post or a certain sales pitch it was about real people and how you treat them that will determine your income. I’m a souther belle and these principles were right up my alley and so I couldn’t agree more. My favorite point is in the Law of Value, “Money doesn’t grow on trees, it comes from people therefore your income determines how you work with people”. Keep reading for more little nuggets and/or reminders…they are golden!

Personal Note: I apologize (especially to the OCD people) about my line spacing in this post, there are a lot of bullet points that I didn’t want to leave out but I can’t seem to line them up using this format. 

  • Law of the Mind
      1. No Excuses!
        1. Excuses are defined as – well planned lies
        2. They will keep you broke
        3. They are a choice
        4. What does your life represent?
        5. If you focus on excuses you are going to get more excuses
      2. What you believe you receive
      3. It is the way you think.
      4. EXERCISE: What are your top 5 excuses?
        1. Do you want to be remembered by these?
        2. You need to be known for something other than these!
  • Law of Vision
      1. If you don’t know what you want, then people can’t help you get it.
      2. Make a decision & follow it.
      3. EXERCISE: What do you want in your dream circle?
  • Law of Reeping & Sewing
      1. You know what you planted based on what shows up.
      2. If there was a video camera following you around – who would be at fault for your actions/results?
      3. Take Personal Responsibility!
      4. You are in control 🙂
      5. EXERCISE: If you want ________ give ________!
  • Law of Value
      1. The marketplace pays for value, your skill determine your value
      2. How do you advance your skills?
        1. Basics: to what you do = solid foundation
        2. People Skills: the more you learn about other people the  more money you make.
        3. Personal Development: Income follows your leadership. Everything you do follow you, so learn to communicate.
      3. Money doesn’t grow on trees, it comes from people therefore your income determines how you work with people.
      4. Learn more about PEOPLE!
      5. Most people think they are great with people. Just look at the facts your life tells you.
      6. The marketplace pas for value, your value is determined by your skill.
      7. It is never the company/product that determines your success, its you and your success and what you do with it.
      8. Raise your skill, you raise your pay.
  • Law of Desire
      1. Everything in life/creation has a desire
      2. Design → Desire → Destiny
      3. What is your desire?
      4. Every human was born with desire. What did you do with yours?
        1. Cannot succeed without enthusiasm.
        2. Quitting is not natural for those who were designed to succeed.
        3. You were born with adventure…a risk taker! What happened to your adventure? We seem to trade it for entertainment.
        4. You were made with the gift to GET OVER IT! We, as humans have traded our freedom for excuses. Failing is part of learning to succeed. Get over your stupid past.
        5. You were born with the gift of faith! Your belief changes your behavior.
          1. What you believe, you will achieve
          2. Anticipation changes you.
          3. What you believe you will pay the price for the skill. (skill cost money and time)
  • Law of Teachability
    1. Which one are you?
    2. The humble get raised up the proud get taken down
    3. If I want to increase income I need to let my ego go
    4. Learn from others
    5. What you feed will grow
    6. EXERCISE: What has to grow in order for me to change?
  • Law of Forgiveness
      1. Its the higher choice
      2. Facts don’t lie, but feelings often do
      3. Influence over money.
        1. Mater the art and skill of working without people
        2. Your influence is determined by how well you can full fill others needs.
  • Law of Faithful
      1. Promotion
      2. Be faithful with the little things
      3. If you can be faithful with the little things you can and will have more
      4. Your physical body has suffered the pain, therefore your body doesn’t want more when you become financially responsible you will make more.
      5. What do people want?
        1. Common Denominator = every human being has a burning desire to feel special and important.
        2. How you find your feelings of important really shows who you are.
          1. People love smiles
          2. 93% of all communication is nonverbal
          3. Doesn’t matter what you say it is how you say it
          4. A smile changes your non verbal communication
          5. Whatever you fear will happen
          6. Make you feel better and changes your non verbal
          7. Smiles make everyone feel special and important and that is what they want.
          8. Simple smile can change your reputation
          9. What are you bringing to the environment?
  • Law of Honor
    1. Its impossible to be in love without honor and love….honor is a skill.
    2. You reep what you sow
    3. Selective Honor = brown noser
    4. Your favorite subject is you…vice versa
    5. If you use proper name
    6. Make other people feel value
    7. Start thinking in what terms matter most to other people
    8. What things you sale everyday:
      1. Product
      2. Service
      3. Ideas
      4. Yourself
    9. You don’t sale by condemning others.
    10. People by people are loyal to sales
You can view the other post here: