Dani Johnson: Steps In Sales

If you are just tuning in, I’m breaking down my notes from a two day Dani Johnson Seminar I went to in 2011. Seven years later I still refer back to my notes for business tips and advice. I’m broking down my 21 pages of chicken scratch to share with you to help you grow as a person and in the business world for which ever industry you are in.

She couldn’t be more spot on. Like the 9 Laws she talks about, she doesn’t mention a closing sales pitch or social media posting schedule, she talks about her interaction with people and how thats the ticket to winning. My favorite and one of my most used task is #3 when she talks about F.O.R.M-ing and S.I.G.N-ing people. I have shared this with many of my friends in a variety of different industries and it has been a great tool for all. Its all about your person/client/customer/patient/etc. INTERVIEW them and using F.O.R.M is a great way to start, you can even practice it in the grocery lines…super easy if they have kids with them. Break the ice then dive into F.O.R.Ming them…you never know who your next client/customer/patient will be.

  1. Exposure Smile
    1. Present yourself in the most appealing way
    2. You don’t sale….interview them
    3. World of mouth!! = most powerful market
  2. You Present Yourself To The Public
    1. Present in the way that matters most to them = appeals to them
    2. Interview the prospect/perspective client, boss, etc.
    3. Interview EVERYBODY (walmart, dentist, doctor, etc)
    4. Interview and find them out: Interest, strength, goals, and needs.
    5. You cannot lose what you don’t take.
    6. Take Care of the little things so you can take care of much, much more.
  3. Close The Deal
    1. List to the prospect!! Find out the following:
      1. F.O.R.M
        1. Family
        2. Occupation
        3. Recreation
        4. Message
      2. S.I.G.N.
        1. Strengths
        2. Interest
        3. Goals
        4. Needs
    2. Who ask questions, controls the conversation.
    3. Ask for their business card
    4. Connections have high value in the marketplace
    5. You have to be a recommender to be recommended
    6. Give them what they want
    7. Use social media – NOT TO SALE – but to develop relationships
    8. If I want to receive recommendations you must make them.

You can view the other post here: