(This was written shortly after having the IVF process)
I decided to do IVF just so I could have that option down the road. I didn’t want to get down the road a few years and wish I would have done that. IVF for those that don’t know is In Vitro Fertilization…it is a way for me to preserve fertility since I will not be able to carry a child. Or as my mom puts it, if she marries rich or wins the lottery she can have a surrogate.
Once I committed to this process, I had a team of people helping me (for the most part, really just this one lady and she was in Houston, but she was awesome and a great communicator). I had 3 boxes of drugs on my door in no time and was able to start ASAP which was good especially since I’m now having to go radiation and my ovaries will be worthless. Radiation is going to “fry” my ovaries which means no eggs are going to be produced. My IVF cycle lasted 14 Days. I had an initial appointment with my fertility doctor in Houston on a Tuesday, by Friday I had 3 boxes of drugs on my doorstep and was giving myself shots that evening. I also had to find a facility/person/doctor that could monitor me from ATX so I didn’t have to drive to Houston every other day.
It went like this, every other day I would go in for blood work at 7am and then have an ultrasound at 2 or 3pm -ish. (These appointments were in ATX and Houston depending on my schedule and when I could go to Houston). These results were sent to my fertility doctor in Houston and that evening I was sent a formula for a shot mixture. In the evenings (every day) I would mix my shot and give myself a shot or 2 in the abdomen. Was it hard to give myself shots? No, but it I’m glad I don’t have to do it every day, plus if you think bigger picture and the reason it was a little bit easier. In all this I ran out some drug that had to be kept cold so they had to call it in. Only special pharmacies carry fertility drugs. In ATX it would cost me 2x the amount as it would in Houston. My precious mom picked up my drugs in Houston and brought them to me so I could use them that evening. She drove from Beaumont to Austin and back without thinking twice. Did I mention the drugs had to be refrigerated? Such a mess.
On July 22nd I gave myself my final shot. The timing of this shot was IMPORTANT. Once this shot was given my eggs had to be retrieved within 36 hours. My shot was given at 9:30pm and retrieved on the morning of June 24th. They told me that I needed a driver so my wonderful boyfriend drove to Houston with me and my ever so supportive mother drove over from BMT to be with me during the process/harvest/retrieval. The morning of we (mom and me) went to the hospital, I was prepped, and then they took me back and explained how this was going to work. Next thing I knew I was waking up post surgery/retrieval/harvest. They retrieved 10 and froze 7 eggs.
After finally coming too I had no problem moving. I got up, got dressed and went across the street to MD Anderson where and met with a radiologist to discuss more treatment. I was more sore from the radiologist’s exam than I was from the IVF procedure. I could of driven home, but my wonderful boyfriend insist he drive…which is good because I HATE driving. So I slept. I don’t recall any side effects from the process and I’m still glad I did it.
CONFESSION #1: I’m actually VERY happy for my friends that are pregnant and/or have little ones running around. I’m not bitter my situation. Yes I did want to carry children, there is no lie in that. I’m just going to have to find another way to be a mother, starting with fur babies.
CONFESSION #2: I had heard of people gaining LOTS of weight with IVF and I was scared I would so I took a picture of my abdomen after all shots. Conclusion, I didn’t gain any weight.
Things I Was Glad I Did & Things I Wish I Would Have Done (no particular order):
- ACCEPTANCE. This is a tough one. Not being able to carry a child is a tough one to swallow and it doesn’t get easier. Come up with an answer that you can respond with to people with when they ask or make comments that “gut punch” you. Comments like “when you have kids…” sting, even though there are options like adoption and surrogacy…it still stings; Inhale, exhale, then respond, 99% of the time, they don’t know what is going on so don’t snap at them. As a woman (especially a southern belle) we tend to think that your main purpose on this earth is to produce children “carry on the human race”, but there is more. Thoughts like, what is going to be left of me when I’m gone, who is going to carry on my “legacy”? I’m unmarried and cannot produce kids, who wants me? These are just a few things/thoughts I still struggle with, so I don’t have answers. Just know that these feelings and thoughts will occur and it isn’t going to be easy.
- COST. This wasn’t a cheap procedure and you need to be prepared for that. Don’t hesitate to ask your doctor if there are any programs you could apply for that will help with cost. If it wasn’t for this program I wouldn’t have been able to have the option/chance to do this. No matter what route you go be aggressive in asking for an exact cost (I wasn’t). What exactly will this assistance program cover? What will I be responsible for? Can I use insurance? I found out the hard way that there is a difference in being treated at a hospital and and outpatient facility. My ultrasounds were DOUBLE the cost at MD Anderson versus at the outpatient facility here in ATX because MD Anderson is attached to a hospital and there are a lot of fees that come with that.
Again…any questions don’t hesitate to ask me…better yet, if this post can help someone, please pass it along or my contact info!