Band Workout

Bands are a great piece of equipment to have no matter what “level” or how long you have been exercising. They are inexpensive AND they fit nicely in your suitcase. Bands are not ONLY used for therapy but can be a great exercise tool and trust me, with the right programing they can be just as tough as dumbbells. IF you are looking to build a home gym this is a great first piece of equipment to have.

Below is a PDF of how to get a full body workout with bands. Download, save, print this out, bookmark it, you are going to want to come back to this when the time comes.

But Coach Karen…What kind of bands do I get? When you go to order bands, you will see two different kinds ones that look like a tube and ones that are flat. Both of them are good. If you can get the ones that look like a tube, you can can clip a handle (or other attachment) on. If you get the flat ones, you might have to tie knots to help with grip, etc. Where to order? Amazon for the win!


I personally recommend this set. Its inexpensive, it has a variety of bands. It comes with clips AND a way to attach it to a door which opens up a door for a lot more exercises (no pun intended). The extra straps are also not a bad addition, I use them every once in awhile. PLUS it comes with a bag for you to keep everything in, yea! (Click Image for link to bands)

Athletes – This is a great PDF to have when you are traveling. Order the bands and print out this PDF and put it in there so everything is together. If you are not a paper person, bookmark this on your device. If you are still confused about the movements, take this PDF to your trainer and have them go over it with you. But you can always refer to BAND MOVEMENT videos.

Coaches – This is a great PDF for you to give to your clients who are traveling and there is no hotel gym or gym at the relatives. If you find out your client is traveling, print this out and do it next session with them that way they are familiar with it. Go over the movements exactly and correct their form. Write on the PDF little notes that will help them remember what to do. Have them bring THEIR bands to you during this session so your notes can reflect the colors of their bands. You should be familiar with all the movements they are pretty basic, but you can always refer to BAND MOVEMENT videos.

*Click Image to save PDF*

Another band addition would be the small ones that look like a circle….oh the possibilities! All that and more can be found in THIS post which includes direction and video! Enjoy!