How To Increase Intensity

How To Increase Intensity

How To Increase Intensity

Lets say you are traveling and the hotel’s website claims to have a “fitness center on campus”. When you get there, you check in and on your way to your room, you check out the fitness center. You walk in only to see one of those machines with a bunch of attachments and just a handful of dumbbells that are either too light or too heavy. What on earth are you going to do? TRUST me with the right programing a five pound dumbbell can give you as much of a workout as a 35 pound dumbbell. Lets talk about a little thing called “intensity”…aka how can I get #gainz from five pound dumbbells? While “increasing weight” is one way to increase intensity lets look at a few others incase that option isn’t available:

  1. Increase Weight. This seems the most logical way to increase intensity. If you want more from your workout increase the weight of the object you are using to perform the movements. Instead of using the ten pound dumbbells you are using the fifteen pound dumbbells.
  2. Increase Reps & Sets. Lift the object more times. Instead of doing three sets of ten reps, maybe you do three sets of twelve reps or even fifteen. If your form gets bad around rep number ten, then I would stop there (good, safe form should always be number one consideration) and look at increasing the number of sets, meaning you do four sets of ten reps all with perfect form.
  3. Static Holds. Versus dynamic/moving. Instead of doing reps of lunges, hold at the bottom of the lunge. Instead of doing overhead presses, hold the object over your head. Promise you will feel a difference.
  4. Time. Lets say the gym does have only five pound dumbbells and you really need ten pound dumbbells. Instead of doing 3 sets of fifteen reps, try doing the reps for a certain amount of time….say 30 seconds. Still keep your number of sets but change the way you do the “reps”. Play around with different time domains and see what it can offer.
  5. Pause. Adding a pause in a rep. For example, DB Tricep Kickbacks. Once you have extended your arm hold for a brief (1 second, or more) pause before bring the weight back to starting position. Like the time element above, play around with different lengths of pauses and see how long you can hold a pause before you have to break form. Something to think about is, in order to maintain form, you  might have to decrease your number of reps. So instead of doing three sets of 12 reps, you might do three sets of eight reps with a three second pause for each rep.

Last week I posted two different workouts, one with a bands and one with dumbbells. I encourage you to take those workout and apply these methods to them. Just remember FORM FIRST. Don’t give up bad form and risk injury for an extra second on your pause…not worth it. Please tag me in your #HomeGymSelfies!




Don’t Be A Dumbbell!

Don’t Be A Dumbbell!


“But I only have dumbbells”

This is a common thing I hear…”I only have these old dumbbells” or “I can’t get a good workout with just dumbbells”. Dumbbells are such a great, easy to find, relative inexpensive piece of equipment to have as your only home gym equipment or the start of a home gym. You can find them new or used…my home gym has both.


There are many kinds of dumbbells out there. I highly suggest you get one with the rubber caps and metal handles. I also recommend the ones with the helix ends because they won’t roll away. My dumbbells come from all over, BUT most of the equipment in my garage comes from Perform Better. They are not the only place, but they are worth considering.


I’m a lover of all things fitness and don’t want to see your dumbbells collect dust and there is a slight chance I want to encourage you to build you a personal home gym…soooo tadaaaaa….a workout for you to use at home or when traveling. These should take you 30 minutes-ish. If you click on the image you can print out the workout, there are even movement videos to each of these movements (and then some).



For my OCD fans that like structure, there are a few different ways to approach this.

  • One section a day. For example, all the arms + 1 ab on Monday then all the shoulders + 1 ab on Tuesday, etc.
  • One set (i.e. under arms the DB bicep Curls & DB Tricep Kickbacks = set) from each section/body part.
  • One movement (DB Bicep Curls, DB “empty can”, DB Bench/Floor Press, etc) from each section per day.

If you see two movements close together they are meant to be done as a “super-set” meaning you do one set of one movement then one set of the other. For example, if I was looking at the “arms” section. I would do 15 reps of DB bicep curls, then 15 reps of DB tricep kickbacks.

If you have collected a few other pieces of random gym equipment and want to combine them in a beneficial fashion, check out our “Home Gym Programming” and we can design something specifically for you based on YOUR goals and YOUR abilities.

I’m also okay if you want to tag me in your photos of your home gym #selfies especially if you are doing this workout! Enjoy!



Band Workout

Band Workout

Band Workout

Bands are a great piece of equipment to have no matter what “level” or how long you have been exercising. They are inexpensive AND they fit nicely in your suitcase. Bands are not ONLY used for therapy but can be a great exercise tool and trust me, with the right programing they can be just as tough as dumbbells. IF you are looking to build a home gym this is a great first piece of equipment to have.

Below is a PDF of how to get a full body workout with bands. Download, save, print this out, bookmark it, you are going to want to come back to this when the time comes.

But Coach Karen…What kind of bands do I get? When you go to order bands, you will see two different kinds ones that look like a tube and ones that are flat. Both of them are good. If you can get the ones that look like a tube, you can can clip a handle (or other attachment) on. If you get the flat ones, you might have to tie knots to help with grip, etc. Where to order? Amazon for the win!


I personally recommend this set. Its inexpensive, it has a variety of bands. It comes with clips AND a way to attach it to a door which opens up a door for a lot more exercises (no pun intended). The extra straps are also not a bad addition, I use them every once in awhile. PLUS it comes with a bag for you to keep everything in, yea! (Click Image for link to bands)

Athletes – This is a great PDF to have when you are traveling. Order the bands and print out this PDF and put it in there so everything is together. If you are not a paper person, bookmark this on your device. If you are still confused about the movements, take this PDF to your trainer and have them go over it with you. But you can always refer to BAND MOVEMENT videos.

Coaches – This is a great PDF for you to give to your clients who are traveling and there is no hotel gym or gym at the relatives. If you find out your client is traveling, print this out and do it next session with them that way they are familiar with it. Go over the movements exactly and correct their form. Write on the PDF little notes that will help them remember what to do. Have them bring THEIR bands to you during this session so your notes can reflect the colors of their bands. You should be familiar with all the movements they are pretty basic, but you can always refer to BAND MOVEMENT videos.

*Click Image to save PDF*

Another band addition would be the small ones that look like a circle….oh the possibilities! All that and more can be found in THIS post which includes direction and video! Enjoy!




Its #NationalChocolatePuddingDay…talk about a blast from the past! I grew up eating A LOT of instant, from a box chocolate flavored pudding…with sprinkles on top. Mom would make them in this cute little Tupperware containers…to wash them you would separate the top from the bottom which was this little stand. We could have one after dinner at night! Looking for a healthier option? My go-to for healthier sweets is the one and only Elana’s Pantry. She has this great little 2 ingredient recipe…check it out, 100% credit goes to her!

Serves: 6
  1. In a saucepan, heat coconut milk and chocolate over very low heat
  2. Stir constantly until chocolate is melted
  3. Divide mixture between six ½ cup mason jars
  4. Refrigerate for 3 hours
  5. Serve




Who even knew there was such a thing…kinda creepy if you ask me, but I’m always down to celebrate, especially if it means food! I grew up eating a lot of catfish (amongst other weird things) but honestly I don’t hear of people eating much catfish these days. But no shocker there were A LOT of recipes on #Pinterest (my go to for just about anything). I found one worth trying from Personally Paleo. I don’t know if I’m more excited about the fish or the grits. Enjoy! 100% Credit goes to the gals over on Personally Paleo!

Time: 30 mins
Yields: 4 servings

BBQ Rub Ingredients:
2 tbsp Hungarian paprika
2 tbsp smoked paprika
2 tbsp salt
2 tbsp granulated sugar  *omit or substitute maple sugar for a slightly altered taste
1 tbsp mustard powder
2 tbsp chili powder
2 tbsp cumin
1 tbsp black pepper
2 tbsp granulated garlic
1 tbsp cayenne pepper

Catfish Ingredients:
4 pieces of catfish
½ tbsp butter

Cauliflower “Grits” Ingredients:
1 head of cauliflower, cored, cut into florets, with as little stems as possible
water, enough for about 1″ of water during cauliflower steps
1 tsp kosher salt
1 ½ tsp coarse ground black pepper
1 tbsp unsalted butter
1 tsp garlic, minced
½ cup fresh grated Parmesan cheese
¼ cup milk, your preference
1 tbsp Tabasco sauce
¼ tsp cayenne pepper

Other Ingredients:
¼  tsp fresh cilantro, chopped
1 lime, juiced


  1. Make the rub: Mix together all the rub ingredients and store in an airtight jar.
  2. Prep the cauliflower. In a microwave-safe bowl, add the cauliflower florets and about 1” water. Cover tightly with either a lid or plastic wrap and microwave for 8-10 minutes until florets are fork tender with very little bite left.  Be careful of the steam!
  3. While the cauliflower is steaming, liberally sprinkle the BBQ rub on both sides of each fish fillet.
  4. In a cast iron pan over medium-high heat, melt the 1/2 TB butter. Once the butter is melted, place each fillet in the pan, careful not to crowd (you may do this in 2 batches if necessary).  Cook for 4 minutes, carefully flip and continue cooking for another 4 or until the fish flakes easily with a fork. Just before it’s finished, add the lime juice and cilantro.  Cooking time may vary depending on the thickness of the fish.
  5. Once the cauliflower has finished steaming, add the butter, salt and pepper and let melt. Add the milk, garlic, salt, pepper, cayenne and tobacco sauce.
  6. Using an immersion blender, pulse the cauliflower until it resembles grits and the ingredients are well combined (you can also do this in a food processor) Do not overpulse!  You want it to retain some integrity.  Mix in the cheese, and season to taste.
  7. Serve the grits along side the fish with added salt, pepper and lime juice as desired.