Why Personal Trainers Should Use Fitbit

Here is why I think Personal Trainers & Coaches should jump on the FitBit bandwagon.
Page contains affiliate links to a product I have review and currently use
Pam (Client/Athlete of 7+ years)
Jeannie (Client/Athlete of 10+ years)
Kim (my sister who started it all)
- Please give me a little background on yourself. Recently quit my job to be a stay at home mom. Enjoy biking and walking.
- How did you find out about Fitbit? What interest you in it? Found out about it from a colleague. Originally used it to track walks at work. My walking buddies and I used it in conjunction with weight watchers. At the time I didn’t know you could challenge. We mainly used it to help us reach our step goals for the day.
- Why did you feel like you needed to purchase it? My First Fitbit was given to me by a Work colleague/ walking buddy. My Second Fitbit my mom found on amazon. I purchased my 2nd Fitbit bc it was thinner, water proof, a my sister in law showed me how to use it to do challenges.
- What are the positive and negatives of your Fitbit? Positives: I love that it tracks my sleep and steps. I thought I walked a lot before I got a Fitbit, but it really challenges me to move more and more often. Love my Fitbit community. I’m addicted to the challenges. Negatives: I wear mine on my ankle bc it doesn’t track very well on my wrist. If I’m carrying things in my arm such as baby etc or pushing things such as grocery cart or stroller then it doesn’t track steps. It also doesn’t track sleep well on my ankle so I have to switch it to my wrist at night
- What was the price? What do you think of the price? Is it a good value? I got it on sale on amazon. I thought it was a good price/value.
- How did Fitbit improve your life? What are the benefits? I notice I have more energy the more active I am.
- What do you think the group/challenges with our Fitbit? Love the group challenges. Even though I am a stay at home mom it allows me to stay connected to my husband that travels, my parents, sister, and sister in-laws that live in other cities, and my previous work colleagues. I love that we can watch each other’s progress, as well as, chat back and forth as a group.