Another thing that I mentioned earlier is that of benchmarks. HERE are a few that I have used in the past. I would begin by mapping out your benchmarks for whatever time frame you are looking at (1 year, 6 mths, quarter, etc) then write your programming around those. If they are not “training” for anything specific at least they have the option to train to improve their benchmark. Hint: training for a benchmark doesn’t mean you ONLY do the movements of the benchmark.
If you are using Volume 1 or Volume 2 of Living Amped’s 4 week Bootcamp Program, ALLLLLLL of this is already thought out for you. You just download the volume, familiarize yourself with the movements (movement videos available HERE), and coach. PS Volume 1 is free…because I like you 🙂
When I go to my in home client 1x a week, I use this style programming:
Warm Up
Strength Workout (EMOM, E90sec, combos, etc)
Connector (ab work, balance exercise, midline stabilizers, etc)
Conditioning/Metcon (anything to get and keep their heart rate up for a period of time 7-20mins)
Cool Down
I write their workout in Evernote and email it to them before I leave their house and they are suppose to repeat that workout (or one from the past) 1-2 times before I see them again.
Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions…I’m open to hearing them all! Just remember your #1 goal is to keep your athletes safe, #2 should be to create a darn good environment. You are in the PEOPLE business, not the FITNESS business.