50 Workouts With A Box
(This post contains an affiliate link to a product that I use and love)
I’m that crazy one that loves workouts with a box! Maybe its because I haven’t had a serious injury from one….but there have been many close calls!
COACHES! Box doesn’t have to be an actual “box” this can be as simple as a step for many people…even a plate. Just because you don’t have an actual “box” doesn’t mean you can’t use these workouts in your coaching. The bottom stair of a staircase works wonders, trust me. If you are driving client to client and they don’t have stairs (or a box), an irrigation box from a hardware store can make a huge difference. Plus you can flip it over in your car and store other pieces of equipment in it so they don’t roll around in your car.
ATHLETES: The days of rebound box jumps are over….far too many torn achilles for that. I can promise you that you can get a good amount of work from jump up and step down. Trust me, I have tested all the efficient ways to make this happen!
Where do I get a box? I personally ordered a box from Rogue, but you can get them from Fringe Sport. You can see there are many different kinds. I have the hard one and I ordered it put together (ain’t got time for that). The soft one is also catching my eye…you never know when your hammies are going to give out…yikes! Great piece of equipment for a home gym!
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