For the past couple of years I have had the pleasure to work with an AMAZING group of ladies; Capitol of Texas Team Survivor. . These ladies have not only fought to complete a triathlon (Danskin and Trek) but they all have fought cancer at some part of their life, some even currently. This year I coach a strength/cycle class on Monday nights at The Hills. During the cycle portion of the class I always try to talk about gear and what they are afraid of and what they need to do to over come it or what they are excited about, where to get gear, etc. This past Monday one of my members told me she had a “dumb question”. I piped in and said “the only dumb question is the one not asked” in a smart ass tone. She asked the crew when to put her leave in conditioner in her hair; does she wet her hair first then put it in and then the cap or afterwards. My response? I dont know, I don’t take that good of care of my hair. She responded with “there was a time I didn’t have hair so now that I do, I want to take good care of it”. OUCH! Talk about feeling LOW! Next time I better watch my mouth. I wish them only the best of lukcy in everything life brings them including the Danskin Triathlon on June 6th!!!