Ripping your hands during pull ups…mainly “Cindy”? Here are steps on how to make REUSABLE wraps! 
(1) Tear off a piece of tape about 12″ long
(2) Fold the piece of tape in half, long ways.
(3a) Tear another piece of tape about 12″ long
(3b) Take the folded piece of tape from step 2, fold it in half and place it on the top of the piece of tape torn in step 3a. 
(4) Fold the piece of tape torn in step 3a in half, enclosing the piece of tape from step 2. 
The loop is placed on the middle finger with the addition of another piece of tape around the wrist to hold in place. If you do happen to rip, Climb On is a great product to apply as well as Liquid Bandaid.