Dear Cancer

Dear Cancer

Dear Cancer, Nice Try. You made your appearance on Feb. 5th, 2014 in the form of crazy medical term; “in situ”.  While you did progress over the following months, you didn’t keep me from the sport I love, crossfit. Heck I even placed 4th in my region in 2014, the best...

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Post #5: Now What?

Post #5: Now What?

Time to REBUILD. There is no doubt I lost a lot during treatment, a lot. I trained a few times a week at the beginning of treatment, however the effects (fatigue and a lot of it) of my treatment modalities are cumulative. This means things caught up with me. By the...

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Dear Cancer

Post #4: BrachyTherapy

Post #4: BrachyTherapy Brachy What? Thats exactly what I said. BrachyTherapy is radiation from the inside focusing on a specific area (in my case, my tumor). This form of treatment can be used to treat a variety of cancers. When I met with the radiologist in Houston...

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Post #4: Chemotherapy

Post #4: Chemotherapy

Aug.1, 2014: Chemo Class Chemo class wasn't that bad...weird, but necessary. This is a class everyone has to take before you go start chemo, just kinda gives you a heads up about what is going to happen. It opened with a nurse whom I have seen during my appointments...

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Post #3: Radiation

Post #3: Radiation

Radiation was my main modality of treatment. My chemo drug, cisplatin, was used to support the radiation. Before they could start radiation, I had to get a “map” done so they would know where to radiate. This meant I went to a certain hospital with a cancer center in...

Post #1: Diagnoses

Post #1: Diagnoses

Short Version I had Stage 2B Cervical Cancer that was treated with radiation, chemotherapy, and brachytherapy. Medium Version I have been diagnosed with Stage 2b cervical cancer. I had 1st opinions (2 different gynecologic oncologist in Austin), 2nd opinions (2...

Post #2: IVF

Post #2: IVF

(This was written shortly after having the IVF process) I decided to do IVF just so I could have that option down the road. I didn’t want to get down the road a few years and wish I would have done that. IVF for those that don’t know is In Vitro is...

Karen Pierce

Karen Pierce

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